tangenet / CHAMP T-SHITS
Good evening.
Yesterday I drank PRANK staff for the first time in a while.
The first restaurant is Saiya, a well-known Okinawan restaurant.
As I wrote in yesterday's blog, my challenge is how many bosses I can work on after I leave my first house, and for what time.
The second house I went to was an acquaintance in Tani Paisen.
Is it bright red inside the store?
It was a bar with a Korean motif, but it was fun.
The boss looks like he's having fun too lol
As always, Ogata ignores his seniors and only picks up on them. . . .
The way to use your left hand is to be a popular man.
But I'm not popular at all.
Gap Moe.
I must have visited about 4 houses like this! ?
boss! !
I am always grateful for your help!
Thank you for the meal! !
Well, I'm a little hungover, but I'll do my best to write about the main topic! !
Click here.

col. white / yellow / blue
price ¥11,000 (tax included)

Introducing tangenet's iconic T-shirt .
This product is based on the 50s Champion T and blends the flat and linear design of Japanese clothing.
The size is large enough for a staff member who is 175cm tall to wear a size M, but the neck is tightly packed, giving it a mature look.
As a result of repeated research by designers, white is a beautiful white that does not easily yellow over time.
At an exhibition, I was shown the same T-shirt that I have been wearing for years, but it was white and in almost new condition.
This is the real white Tee.
A white Tee like that was created.
Yellow is dyed with pomegranate.
The blue color is the blue of a gardenia dyed with a chemical dye that does not easily change over time.
Highly recommended for those looking for a plain tee.
tangenet online page
PRANK STORE official line
*Inquiries and arrival information will be sent here as soon as possible.